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CMO Education | Club Legal Update - Robyn Stowell | Arlington Club

Registration Status:

Event Date:

Event Time:
10:30 am - 12:30 pm

imgRobyn Stowell
Private Club Attorney
Columnist for Boardroom Magazine
Instructor at CMAA'S BMI

Robyn Nordin Stowell, nationally known Club Attorney and CMAA speaker, will share her best tips to keep the Club out of legal trouble and to get the most value from your legal professional.  She will tackle topics such as Did You Call for My Magic Wand?  Make The Call When I Can Help You Instead of When It Is Too Late! and Prequel To The Last Lecture:  Things I Really Want To Say But Usually Know Better.  You will be informed, entertained, and head back to the Club able to explain to your Board a few things that the Board and management can do better this year.   $45 lunch for members | $55 for guests | Register below. 

Payment options: 
Pay by credit card in advance at or bring your check made payable to Oregon CMAA, or your Club will be invoiced after the event.

Zoom option for those who cannot attend in person:  Register in advance for this meeting by clicking here.